In the event of a borrower wishing to lodge
a dispute or complaint against a SAHERPA Member, in terms
of which SAHERPA's dispute resolution
mechanism might be able to assist in
resolving the dispute or complaint, all the borrower
needs to do is:
i) Familiarise himself / herself with SAHERPA's
dispute resolution mechanism. ii) Download the appended document by
here and signing it in
agreement with the associated process.
Thereafter, the borrower should also obtain
the signature of a duly authorised
representative of either the Supplier Member
or Adviser Member (when such membership is
facilitated) against whom they wish to
raise a complaint or dispute, after which, the document
should be e-mailed or faxed to SAHERPA in
order for them to initiate the required
Prospective complainants should please note
that, in the event of their failure to
adhere to the abovementioned process in any
way whatsoever, SAHERPA will not play a role
in the resolution of any potential disputes.